HENG HOME SHOP – ហាង ហេង ហូម
Retailer and wholesaler of construction materials and home accessories.
Business Hours
Mon – Sunday : 7:00 – 17:30
Our Shop Address
📞 Call / Telegram: 070 789 688
📞 Fast Call: 095 789 688
📞 Telegram channel: https://t.me/HengHome
📞 Contact Telegram: @henghome1
📍 Google Map: https://g.page/henghome
📍 Name: Heng Home Construction Material Shop
📍 Address: #377E0, Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Phsar Depo 2, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, 120402.
📍 ទីតាំងផ្ទះលេខ377E0, វិថីម៉ៅសេទុង ទល់មុខបឋមសិក្សាសន្ធរម៉ុក ខណ្ឌទួលគោក រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។